Do you have extra time on your hands, have you always wanted to do a retreat? Grab the bull by the horns, retreat at home! We are offering a series of videos walking you through the steps on how to set up and do a retreat in your own home while you have the chance.
Now is the time. Stop putting it off.
Need to catch up with your studies? Give yourself the time to let the teachings sink into your heart, and wisdom will spread into your daily life and practice.
Have you always wanted to do a solo retreat, but haven’t had the time or courage to do your first one? We will guide you through your first home retreat. You will receive all the advice and instructions you need to do your first retreat at home. We will pass on the knowledge of the lineage and our own personal experience on how to do a retreat.
We know the ups and downs and can guide you through any difficulties. And you will be surprised by the many moments of bliss.
- How to set your motivation
- How to prepare for retreat
- How to do retreat
- Retreat schedule
- How to eat during a retreat
- What to do and not to do during the retreat
- How to stay balanced
- How to retreat if you share your home with others
- Advise on content and meditations
- How to deal with lung*
- Special guest classes with Diamond Mountain Three Year Retreaters
- Q&A sessions
- Option to ask personal questions by email
Open to everybody who wants to learn how to do retreat.
Offered by Diamond Mountain as a gift to you
Language: English (If you need translation, please let us know.)
Ven. Gyelse: Practicing Buddhism for more than 20 years. She is Director of Diamond Mountain Retreat Center and has done countless retreats in our lineage, including a 3-year-retreat at Diamond Mountain. She teaches with lots of compassion and is always willing to share her personal experience.
Ven. Sunam: Practicing Buddhism for 10 years. Successfully practiced the “Circle Day” for more than 10 years and has done lots of short retreats and a 3-month-retreat in our lineage. She teaches with humor and lots of tips on how to apply the teachings in everyday life.