Would you like to go through life in a focused and calm way no matter what happens around you?
With a mind trained in meditation, you will be able to focus on what matters, to turn off the noise and concentrate on exactly one thing for as long and as intensely as we want. By practicing to keep your mind calm and clear, you will more calmly and deeply consider all aspects of a problem and find creative, successful solutions to your problems.
Experience how you can extinguish negative emotions such as anger, envy and uncontrollable desires. This will make your mind clear and strong and so you are naturally much more successful than other people who are at the mercy of their emotions. Learning to dive deep into your mind to remain peaceful and calm brings more joy in everything in your life. Imagine being able to live in greater harmony with everyone around you!
A very good meditator can see what his life will be like making daily challenges much easier. A very regular meditator slowly begins to anticipate the future and all your decisions and actions will be driven by love and compassion. Your “instincts” and “feeling” for action will be sharpened making you much more successful in everything you do! This means making progress on your spiritual path.
In order to be able to do these things, we must learn to meditate properly. Without that the doors are closed to us and we will be unable to read the signs.
Come with us on a journey and learn to quiet your mind in a chaotic world.
Is this for me?
If you are new to meditation or hope to experience the benefits of being a better meditator, this program is for you.
Do I need anything special to start?
A computer and a good internet connection is all you will need
Make sure you download Zoom before the program starts
What does it cost?
The program is free of charge and we encourage you to pay it forward or explore our donation programs. You can also sign up for your newsletter or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
How much time will it take?
One 45 min session, once a week for 8 weeks. The sessions will be recorded so that you can watch them again, or share them, whenever you would like.
When will it take place?
When you have time
Language: English
What topics will be covered?
- What is meditation & what it‘s not.
- Benefits of meditation
- Meditation as a practice
- The Stages of Meditation
- External & internal conditions
- Correct posture
- 5 problems and 8 remedies
- Meditation types & objects
- Frequency & duration?
Which meditations will you learn?
- Preparing for meditation – The perfect ten
- Watch your thoughts – Don’t get involved
- Two life-long basic traditional Buddhist meditations for any meditator:
- Tong-Len – Taking and Giving
- “Preliminaries” – Taking care of your karma (a guided meditation)
Youtube Playlist: Classes
Youtube Playlist: Meditations
Who are my teachers?
Hanlie van Wyk
“For me, the value lies in applying the principles to every encounter, situation, and interaction. As a closet nerd, I strive at all times to bridge the gap between theory and real world practice. The result is equanimity, perpetual learning, and loads of fun!”
An adventure seeker and serial entrepreneur she started her first of several businesses at the age of 23 followed by a career that spans three decades and four continents. As a social scientist she was inspired by Nelson Mandela who said: “People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love”.
She started meditating and doing spiritual retreats in the early 2000’s. A friend introduced her to Asian Classics Institute courses where she received teachings from Geshe Michael Roach, Lama David Stumpf, and Lama Marut. She taught herself yoga from The Tibetan Book of Yoga, expanded her repertoire to Ashtanga, Inyengar, and Bikram only to find her way back to the yoga of Lady Niguma. A trip to the temples of Thailand forever changed her life.
Hanlie’s unique quality is to present complex concepts in a simple and structured way so that you can apply the principles consistently and reap the positive effects in your daily life.
Venerable Sunam
Venerable Sunam is passionate and joyful in everything she does and mixes “rock ’n’ roll” with a touch of German efficiency. She is a licensed veterinarian, successful IT project/program manager, and is working as a database specialist for multi-million dollar international projects. After decades of chasing her own happiness with egoism, hazardous sports, lots of work and not getting anywhere, Ven. Sunam discovered Dharma in 2005 by reading the Diamond Cutter by Geshe Michael Roach. Ever since she has been studying, teaching, and translating ancient texts with joy and happiness, transforming herself into a kinder person.
Ven. Sunam has studied all 18 ACI Courses and 11 DCI Seminars, has attended nearly all LAM RIM Retreats and several Translator Terms. She is also a certified Sivananda yoga teacher since 2004. Ven. Sunam has done many retreats and has a wealth of experience in meditation and teaching. She successfully practiced the “Circle Day” for more than 10 years and has done lots of short retreats and a 3-month-retreat in our lineage.
She teaches with humor and lots of tips on how to apply the teachings in everyday life.